Got it! After a few googling and a series of trial and error, I finally got it working. The desktop effects of Linux Mint is stunning and incomparable to windows XP and to see all these desktop effects happening in my Samsung SyncMaster 940MG monitor, It was absolutely fantastic. I can’t find any other words to describe how I feel. Just got something new to brag about with my friends.
I was referring to the ‘burn effects’ and woobling windows that you normally see in youtube. Those videos make me sick and eager how to make it working with Linux Mint. Check this video and see what compiz can do for your Linux Mint.
Ayt! Enough for the teaser. If you want to try Linux Mint, head over to their website and download your copy.
Enabling Desktop Effects in Linux Mint:
I was referring to the ‘burn effects’ and woobling windows that you normally see in youtube. Those videos make me sick and eager how to make it working with Linux Mint. Check this video and see what compiz can do for your Linux Mint.
Ayt! Enough for the teaser. If you want to try Linux Mint, head over to their website and download your copy.
Enabling Desktop Effects in Linux Mint:
- Go to ‘Daryna’ Button > Applications > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager. (you will be prompted for the admin password).
- On top, click on ‘search’ and look for ‘compiz‘.
- After the search, you’ll see a handful of compiz files. For starter like me, just do a right-click on compizconfig-settings-manager and choose mark for installation. This is where all the uber cool 3d desktop effects are located.
- Click on ‘Apply’ on top and close the Synaptic Package Manager window. It will now be downloaded on your Linux Mint PC.
- Lastly, to access the 3d desktop effect settings. Go to ‘Daryna’ button > Applications > Preferences > Advanced Desktop Effect Settings. Now feel free to customize the desktop effects that you would like to have for your Linux Mint. Enjoy!
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